Things To Leave Behind In 2023

We’re about to step into 2024 with so much excitement, expectations, and plans. But to achieve your desired goals, there is a list of things we need to leave behind and allow to be washed away by 2023.

No, we’re not talking about your clothes, shoes, or frivolities. I know you’re a bit confused already, but you’ll find out soon enough. As I said earlier, these things need to be tossed in the trash can before crossing over to the new year.

1. Voting for candidates by tribe

Voting for candidates by tribe is one of the major reasons for Nigeria’s backwardness. Candidates should be voted for based on competence and not tribal or religious sentiments. One of the greatest qualities of a country’s citizens is objectiveness. The ability to judge situations clearly from a neutral perspective and not influenced by emotions or prejudice. Let’s leave this behind in 2023, please.

Tribe is the last thing that should be considered during an election. Always vote wisely.

2. Artistes coming late to their shows

People work tirelessly for their money. You announce a show, your fans pay for your overpriced tickets in the name of love and support and you dare come late to the said show??? The audacity of you to think it’s a flex to have thousands of people stand for hours in your anticipation. And what do they get at the end of the day?

Rushed performance, that follows bad sound engineering. An overall experience that leaves a sour taste in the mouths of your fans. This messy attitude should be dropped like the bad habit that it is and should have no place in 2024.

3. Body shaming

If in 2023, you still seek perfection in others and body shame them without realizing that no one actually is, then you need to get your act right. You have no business talking down on another person’s physical attributes based on your personal beliefs.

For starters, it’s their body and theirs alone to worry about. If you find it hard to appreciate people’s appearances, then you should keep your opinions to yourself. You have no idea the extent of damage that your words pose to these people. Spreading love and light isn’t that hard you know? Drop body shaming, and embrace body positivity.

4. Wearing Fake designers and tagging it original

Are you comfortable sitting on this table, please come down because the table will soon shatter. I honestly have no idea what your intent is about wearing fake designers and tagging original brands when you post on social media. It’s not any of our business if you wear fake designs, but do well to leave the original brands out of it.

Having to lie about the authenticity of a brand suggests you can’t even afford it in the first place. So we’d advise you to stick to owning a style within your means and leave them, designers, for those who actually can afford them. It’s not a good look for you, and I suggest leaving it behind in 2023.

5. Imposter Syndrome

If you find yourself constantly doubting your self-worth, then you just might be suffering from imposter syndrome. This phenomenon causes you to be a nervous wreck typically in situations where you’d normally excel. This baggage isn’t crossing over to 2024 with us.

Realizing that you’re worth so much more is the first step to overcoming imposter syndrome. Stop downplaying your abilities and expertise. Stop self-sabotaging. You’re more amazing than you think and you are worthy of love. You’re beautiful, smart, and confident and you can achieve the goals you set your mind to in the coming year.






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