WTSGems: Meet Achezy – The Ibadan native Aiming For Global Superstardom

If you attended the university of Ibadan between 2017 & 2021, you may know him as a top influencer and student leader. Achezy served as the general secretary of the University of Ibadan’s largest lecture hall, the social director of his dorm, his faculty’s public relations officer, and as a member of other committees throughout his time in school. Achezy, who now has a psychology degree, has been interested in music since childhood.

In this interview, we talk about his background, journey and inspirations.

Can you share a bit about yourself?

My name is Akano Ayomide Israel, everyone calls me Achezy. I’m a singer, songwriter, recording and performing artiste. I grew up in Ibadan, attended Oritamefa Baptist Model School (OBMS), proceeded to University of Ibadan where I got my Bahelor’s degree in Psychology.

What was growing up like for you?

Growing up was pretty normal for me, grew up with my two parents and spent some time with my grandmother. I’m the only boy with 3 female siblings, I’m also the second child.

What kind of music did you listen to growing up?

Growing up, I listened to a lot of Micheal Jackson, Lionel richie, Madonna and the likes. That was greatly influenced by my Dad who is also a lover of music. I also listened to a lot of Dbanj, 2 Baba and 9ice, thanks to my uncle who stayed with us when i was younger. So it’s been a music affair since way back


Nice. So, your early music experiences influence you to start creating music?

 Yes it did, to a very large extent

I saw videos of Micheal Jackson performing and people fainting, In my mind I’m like, Yeah that is what I wanna do when i grow up😂😂

When did you start creating music? When did you start pursuing it professionally?

I’ve been creating music since I was 10. Then in the choir in church, we were sometimes given tasks to write songs we were gonna sing the following Sunday. I found it really interesting to do and then I started pursuing music professionally last August.

That’s when you released your first single, yeah? Last August?

Yeah, I dropped ‘The Garden’ with 6th Quan, August

Who & what inspires you to make music now?

Everything around me inspires me to make music. There’s a lot going on in the world, I wanna touch every part of it with my music. I love to tell stories with my music, so I wanna make music for everybody, tell stories everyone can relate to.

How would you describe the kind of music you make? 

I’m exploring a wide range of genres, not sure one genre captures all that I can do. Today, I’m doing afrobeats. Tomorrow, I’m on some RnB vibes, another time I’m fusing a little fuji and apala on an amapiano beat. (laughs). Maybe someday I’ll create a genre that captures all that I do

Leemao. Afro-achezy


 Let’s talk about the new record, “Yanibo”

What’s the story behind it? 

Hmmmm, there’s been a lot of questions and speculations related to this song over the past few weeks.  Most people who know me a personally assume it is related to my past relationship.

Well, ‘Yanibo’ is purely fictional. A friend of mine, Tarah wrote a story and I just decided to make a song out of it. That’s it

Was “Special Memories” fictional too?

 Sincerely, it wasn’t. It was personal.

Breakfast no be anybody mate😂

In your opinion, do you write better from personal experiences and how important are they in influencing your art?

Yea, I write better from personal experiences, nobody tells your story better than yourself

True. Back to “Yanibo”. What does ‘Yanibo’ mean?

According to the popular Yoruba folklore story, ‘Tijapa Tiroko oko yanibo’, Yanibo is ijapa’s (Tortoise) wife in the story, but in my Point of view, it means “anonymous”. The exact way Yorubas use LAGBAJA and TAMEDO

2. Who produced the track and how was the recording and studio session like?

 The track was produced and engineered by BAAD. The recording session was fun. I had like 3/4 sessions to complete the recording.

I was in the studio with my friends and had them on the backup. I also had a friend on the saxophone. So, it was all vibes and fun

Yeah. The backup and sax were exceptional

Those are My favorite items on the whole song, the saxophone and the backups

Have you ever performed on stage? How did it feel?

Yes I have performed a lot of times and that’s my favorite part of music, especially live performance. The feeling is different

What has been the most challenging aspect of your career as an emerging artist

For this, it’s been promotion and it all falls back to funding.

Will you rather be independent or sign to a record label right now? Why?

Both works for me, if i get enough funding as an independent artiste that should work and if I get a label that’s beautiful too

What have you learnt the most so far in your music and life journey?

I’ve learnt a lot, but my standout lesson is just not to ever give up

What’s the goal for you? What would a successful career for you look like?

Have my music known all over the world and being that superstar from Africa taking the whole world by storm

Would you take a 9 to 5 job to supplement your income – do you currently have a job – or do you do music full-time?

I Currently have a 9-5, which I’m gon quit soon and focus on music full time

 What’s next for Achezy? Another single? Ep? album?

A couple features on the way and then An EP before the year runs out or early next year

Give us more tea on the features.

I’m being featured on the songs, I’ll disclose the details of the artistes later, I guess. But, there’s this particular one I’m really excited about. It’s a feature with an American artiste and yeah I’m pumped for it

Dream Collaboration (Local & International Artistes)

I would love to work with Brymo, Jon bellion, Burna, Davido

 Wizkid, Burna, or Davido??

They all make beautiful music, I love Davido’s personality a lot and I enjoy Burna’s music the most

Where can people reach you on all platforms ?

@the_achezy on Twitter, Instagram and all platforms.







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