Let’s gist: Jujuboy flexes on I dey there.

A summary of our Tweet chat with the amazing rising global superstar, Jujuboy, following the release of his single; I dey there.

Hello Juju, how are you doing this evening?
I am doing great, ready to chat with you guys.

Nice to hear that! First, how has the lockdown/covid affected you and your creative process so far?
Lockdown/Covid made me realize the importance of family and how delicate our lives are but however It affected me positively as it led to the release of #ideythere.

Of course. Let’s go back to the beginning. What was growing up like and how did you get into music in the first place?
I obviously wasn’t born with a silver spoon and music was a great escape for me.

You’ve grown and co-written some really huge songs with amazing artists. Tell us about some of them and what’s your songwriting process?
I have been blessed to work with one of my idols; Adekunle Gold and other great projects. Before you wake up is one of my favorite songs co-written by me. Songwriting for me is whatever the vibe is, I write from my heart what I am currently experiencing.

How long does it typically take you to write a song?
Every song is different but #ideythere took an estimated 40 minutes in the studio with @kelp_amba.

Wow. How do you want ‘I Dey There’ to make listeners feel? What emotions do you intend to elicit?
To feel it’s okay not to be okay.

How are you feeling about the reception to ‘I Dey There’ so far? Excited? Overwhelmed?
Totally overwhelmingly excited, I nor know if you go understand. MAD O!

Haha. We can imagine. Are we expecting a video for ‘I Dey There’? What’s next?
Yes, video coming soon.

We can’t wait to see the video for ‘I Dey There’! Now, to some more fun questions. How do you spoil yourself after spending weeks working hard in the studio?
 I hang with friends and sometimes take my favorite lady out to dinner… my mom.

What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought with your own money?
 I unintentionally bought love but that’s a story for another day.

Nike or Adidas? Ronaldo or Messi?
Nike x Ronaldo

What should every Nigerian and global music listener be expecting from Jujuboy Star from now going forward?
Another banger *in Rema’s voice*

We certainly can’t wait to hear what you’ve got coming next. We really enjoyed spending this evening chatting with you and we hope you had fun. Looking forward to seeing the ‘I Dey There’ video!
Likewise, this was so much fun I had such a great time.





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